Thursday, March 19, 2009

DASH is making a movie

Here is my long term, movie making diary.

Yes, I am going to make a movie.

It will be a slow process. It will probably take months until anything comes to fruition, but it will eventually happen. Why? because I've had this story rattling around in my head for almost 9 years since I went to a friend's cottage and thought: This is the perfect location for a movie. I am now going to start putting it down on paper. That's a month or so of work and research. Then comes the incessant search for funding. I have no budget, but a 70-80 minute film in one location. How much can it cost? Well...plenty, First of all, you have to feed and house your cast and mini-crew. You need to pay an editor, You need to create a poster with some smart kid who knows photoshop. You should also pay everyone for their time. Yes, that includes the actors. You also have to pay the guy (or gal) who owns the cottage for the privilege of using his digs over the course of four or five weekends. As for an editor? Well, Julian F. Adderley better give me a fucking awesome day rate.

So what's the plot? It started life many, many years ago as a great idea for a softcore porn flick. The I realized I have three daughters, and too many female friends I respect greatly to betray them with something so simple and cynical so-I also grew up a bit ovr the course of a decade, now instead of looking for girls who will take their clothes off and atempt to act, I wil be looking for actresses who can give a real performance...and occasionally remove an item of clothing. I hate to say it, but with a low budget film, it is highly unlikely you will get any distribution what so ever without some kind of special effect, and since I have no plans for explosions and CGI, and the piece lends itself to it, there will have to be the occasional bared breast, whch director Jim Wynorsi termed "the cheapest special effect". Anyway, my point is, this is not going to be a softcore porn flick. It's going to be a real movie (though shot on video for nothing) about actual human beings.

So what's the story?

Log line: it's more or less the end of life on Earth as we know it, for some reason, all the women on Earth are killing all the men. (We need not know why- it's ambiguos, I like ambiguous- people are smart enough to draw their own conclusions, right?) and the only people alive, as far as they know, are four emo girls at a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Some are suicidal, some have tragic romantic mysteries, some just wonder what they want to survive for.

Follow here as the saga grows, and all idea are welcome. May not use 'em nice to have 'em.



  1. I love movies, and movies that are raw, ones with out flash, and that include nudity ; ) I enjoy movies about people and why those people do what they do! I hope you go ahead and make a great movie. Why couldn't you pay the actors only IF the movie made money? I always think that great actors make a movie, but why can't a movie if well written make an actor? I have always wanted to be part of movie making...alas...
    Question: Are these girls all going to make out?
    If your looking for sassy dialogue let me know. Later Gator.

  2. Any advice I can get is welcome, especially with the dialogue. Though I have one in the house, I admit to not being the world's greatest authority on how teenage girls talk. And no, they are not ALL going to make out. There's only one make out scene and its for dramatic purposes, I swear!
